Dress Attire (Formal)
Sponsorship Opportunities
Art Specification: .jpg, .gif, .tif or .pdf (preferable)
You can support the Branch by downloading, completing and emailing the form.
Artwork Submission Deadline is October 7, 2023.
Please forward artwork or if you have questions to banquet.naacp@gmail.com.
Attendee Registration Deadline is October 25, 2023. Payment Required.
About The Banquet
The Greater Texarkana Branch 34th Freedom Fund Awards Banquet is the Branch’s primary fundraiser, supporting programming, activism, and outreach. These funds allow us to fulfill the Branch’s mission to serve Texarkana and Northeast Texas, its community and people and to provide and assist people in hopes of ensuring equal prosperity, advancement and opportunities; as well as protect the rights and freedom of people in anticipation that they can pursue, fulfill and achieve their aspirations.
The Banquet also recognizes outstanding community leaders who generously offer their time, knowledge and dedication within the community; as well as identify as true freedom fighters.